
I coach indi­vi­du­als and teams who are going through chan­ges and I sup­p­ly tail­or-made trai­nings (e.g. inter­view trai­ning) and sup­port you in work­shops or retre­ats. My exper­ti­se also lies in human resour­ces (HR) and all rela­ted lea­der­ship issues.

Coaching for individuals / Life Coaching

If you want to chan­ge, plan your next steps, have ques­ti­ons or are in an emo­tio­nal­ly dif­fi­cult situa­ti­on and are loo­king for an out­side per­spec­ti­ve.

Leadership coaching / business coaching

If lea­ding is stressful, if you have a con­flict of inte­rest, if you are new to a lea­der­ship role or sim­ply want to reflect on your (lea­der­ship) beha­viour in a pro­fes­sio­nal con­text.

Coaching for women

If you as a woman are new in a lea­der­ship role, if sala­ry nego­tia­ti­ons are pen­ding, if fami­ly and care­er are to be com­bi­ned in such a way that you can remain hap­py and rela­xed, if deal­ing with power is a con­cern, if poli­ti­cal and stra­te­gic “games” within the orga­ni­sa­ti­on need to be unders­tood, if diver­si­ty is a chall­enge, if you want to make yours­elf heard, if deal­ing with your ener­gy (work-life balan­ce, poten­ti­al to get into a burn-out etc.) is an issue, if your own expec­ta­ti­on of your role as a woman is a chall­enge, if stan­ding up for your own needs is a chall­enge, if deal­ing with cri­ses needs to be lear­ned, and a lot of other issues… !


If you want to crea­te a safe space within the team to allow for reflec­tion, to be able to address con­flicts at an ear­ly stage or to streng­then com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on within a team.

Team development, team growth

If a new per­son has arri­ved in the team and things are not run­ning smooth­ly, if the team could grow tog­e­ther even bet­ter, if not ever­yo­ne in the team is going in the same direc­tion when chan­ges are made, if the­re are con­flicts, if effi­ci­en­cy could be increased, if you are plan­ning a retre­at and are loo­king for exter­nal mode­ra­ti­on, if the visi­on or stra­tegy is to be deve­lo­ped in the team, if com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and thus coope­ra­ti­on could be impro­ved and much more…


Con­flict Reso­lu­ti­on: If you are loo­king for a way to faci­li­ta­te con­flict reso­lu­ti­on or tack­le cri­ses in a team or bet­ween two peo­p­le.

Work­shops: If you are loo­king for someone who is respon­si­ble for the “script”, the imple­men­ta­ti­on and the eva­lua­ti­on and who reli­e­ves or sup­ports you.

Career counselling / career coaching

If you want a care­er chan­ge but do not yet know exact­ly what the next step should be. If you are loo­king for a coun­ter­part who brings expe­ri­ence from dif­fe­rent sec­tors and who sup­ports you in iden­ti­fy­ing new per­spec­ti­ves.